The 37th VHCMA REUNION 2025
June 11 -14, 2025
Our next reunion will be held at the Doubletree by Hilton San Antonio Airport
611 N.W Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas
Hotel Number is 210-340-6060
Room Rate is $110 plus TAX. Call the hotel number above, and tell them you are with the VHCMA and want to book your room.
Below is the Reunion registration form and the Reuion Agenda. Click on the RRF and then print it out. Fill it out and send it into the office. You can also click on the agenda and print that out also for your reference.
Make a Donation to the VHCMA
Original photo
© taken by and used with permission from "Grif" Robert W. Griffin SFC E7 RET.
"For those who returned with the living, For those who returned with the dead, For those that never returned at all"
Michael G. Williams "Weird Willy" Died after Tour, June 15, 1997
We are a non-profit veteran organization filed under Section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Service.
The VHCMA was organized in 1986 in Tucson Arizona by a small group of Crew Chiefs and Gunners that got together to share their experiences in Vietnam. As the group expanded, it was decided that they would form an organization for Crew Chiefs and Gunners. Over the years the organization grew as more and more members heard about the organization and joined. At our reunion in Richmond, Virginia in 1997, the membership voted to include pilots as full members to the organization. Since then our ranks have grown to a total membership of 5400 members. We have 1900 Active members. We are an international organization as some of our members are from other countries.
If you were a Crew Chief, Gunner, Pilot, Aero Medic, Flight Engineer, PJ, Oscar, or other flight specialist, then we would like to invite you to join us at the VHCMA (International). The VHCMA is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, fraternal association.
We consist of former enlisted and commissioned helicopter crew members and their families, and other interested related parties. Our members have expressed a strong desire to belong to a group where meeting new friends, finding old friends, and remembering lost friends can occur without distractions and we are receiving new members all of the time.
Our membership list is NOT made available for outside solicitation or other veteran causes.
We do not accept any advertising on our website.
To seek out individuals who were crew members on helicopters during the Vietnam War. We want to make them aware of the Vietnam Helicopter Crew Members Association (VHCMA) and encourage eligible individuals to join us.